Friday, December 12, 2008

Articles of the Week
Rating: Link (Topic) (Relation to BikeSharing)

"Lower (gas) prices only delay the day of reckoning when we no longer can rely on fossil fuels to power our economy." - Lancaster Eagle Gazette (link)

"Car-sharing - Don't Buy, Borrow" - Link (Gen. Transportation) (6)
"Hawaii Bike Share" - Link (Bike Sharing) (10)
"Bike Sharing in Milan" - Link (Bike Sharing) (10)
"Melbourne Bike Share - Link (Bike Sharing) (10) From BikeShareBlog
"Atlanta Gets ZipCar" - Link (Car Sharing) (6)
"Boston Toll Increase" - Link (Gen. Transportation) (4)
"Real Energy Policy Still Needed (with falling gas prices)" - Link (Energy Alternatives) (5)
"City Planner Admits Love For Driving" - Link (Funny)